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Deliveries are the difference-maker for GenZ shoppers

Written by nShift | Jul 16, 2024 6:00:00 AM

by Sean Sherwin-Smith, Product Director Post-Purchase

When it comes to younger shoppers , the delivery experience holds the keys to success when it comes to the ecommerce customer experience. This is the major takeaway from research we recently conducted in partnership with Retail Week.

Understanding younger shoppers

The research found that 25-24-year-olds are the most likely age group to abandon online baskets due to a lack of convenient delivery options. It also found that delivery choice and convenience are critical. Almost three quarters (71%) of 25 to 34-year-olds say that choosing the date and time of delivery is important, compared to just 53% of over 55s. In terms of delivery options, click and collect is most popular with the 25 to 34 age group, with 51% deeming it important.

Retailers need understand the delivery experience needs of younger shoppers seek. They cannot - must not - simply assume that they want the same thing as older shoppers.

Future proofing the business and achieving efficiencies

Deliveries create opportunities to grow the business in the post-purchase experience. Getting shipping right increases conversions at checkout and builds customer loyalty. Younger “digitally native” shoppers expect the entire shopping experience to be seamless. They assume that relevant delivery updates will come to them through the social channels the use every day. They will remain loyal to brands who give their younger shoppers the service they seek.

Creating the kind of shipping experience that suits younger customers also provides the business with data and processes that lower costs and protect margins – for example by streamlining the returns process and encouraging revenue-protecting exchanges. Achieving this winning formula depends on close, effective collaboration between retailers’ ecommerce and logistics teams.

Our latest guide, ‘Beyond the box: Turning deliveries into a business-building experience’ explains how the delivery experience can act as a platform for business growth, customer acquisition and revenue generation.

Available to download, the guide not only outlines what a great delivery experience looks like but, more importantly, what is required of retailers to make it happen.

Download the report to find out more

Delivery & experience management (DMXM) from nShift combines the delivery management and the post-purchase experience. It holds the keys to helping retailers stand out from the ever-growing ecommerce crowd and is the future of ecommerce delivery.

Read the full report: “Beyond the box – turning deliveries into a business-building experience.”