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Report finds delivery is the biggest barrier for buying internationally

Written by nShift | May 7, 2024 6:00:00 AM

Blog by: Gary Carlile, EVP Customer Growth, nShift

International deliveries can be a challenge for retailers. Here’s how to solve it. 

According to recent research from IMRG, concerns over deliveries and returns put many shoppers off buying from overseas retailers.

International delivery challenges not insurmountable 

The Consumer Home Delivery Report, sponsored by nShift, found that 67% of consumers are concerned about long delivery times and their ability to track orders while a further 63% worry about not being able to submit a return and be refunded. The higher costs associated with international delivery and returns also featured in the top barriers for customers (61%).

But there’s no reason for international deliveries to be a deal breaker. Shipping and logistics challenges can be overcome by partnering with the right delivery management software and by forming the right connections with carrier companies.

Reassurance required from international retailers

The Consumer Home Delivery Report examines every aspect of the delivery and returns experience for shoppers covering everything from cart abandonment to delivery expectations and returns. It found that the rate at which UK shoppers have bought goods from an international retailer has gone down by roughly 10% since 2019.

Andy Mulcahy, Strategy and Insight Director at IMRG, said: “Delivery lead times are always going to be a bit longer when it comes to purchasing from another territory, so it’s about researching what feels reasonable to get the balance between speed and cost right. Ultimately shoppers look for reassurance, particularly where the language is different, to give them confidence in making that purchase from a non-UK retailer. It’s that reassurance angle that should probably inform many of the factors that make up the overall proposition.”

Three strategies for successful international shipping

In the report, nShift offers three strategies for successful international shipping:

  1. Create the right carrier connections. Shipping internationally requires relationships with carrier companies that serve the relevant territories. Having to establish these carrier connections takes time and limits retailers’ ability to maneuver. This is best overcome by using delivery management software that offers ready-made connections to a large number of carriers.
  2. Prioritize the customer experience. When shoppers are ordering from a vendor that has only recently entered their market, they must be assured that their delivery is in safe hands. Regular and relevant communication to the customer during the shipping process is an essential means of building trust. If this communication is branded and user-friendly, it also creates opportunities to remarket to the customer at a time when they are most engaged with the brand.
  3. Make returns easy. Some shoppers might be nervous about buying from a retailer outside their country. But if they can quickly see that there is a clear and simple returns process in place, they may be more likely to purchase.

The Consumer Home Delivery Report is available for download from IMRG.