
Jacsped is a transport and carrier company from Norway specializing in transport to and from Scandinavia. As a carrier and forwarder, we could be the party that takes care of your groupage shipments, partial loads and full loads. They have 3 offices: Jacsped Norway, Jacsped Holland and Jacsped Germany. Jacsped offers daily departures from and to Scandinavia. The transports of goods are made to the following countries: Benelux, Denmark, Sweden, Normway, Finalnd, UK, Irleand, Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Eastern Europe, Baltic and Balkan states. Also, they offer the possibility to store the goods in one of their warehouses in the Netherlands and Norway. (With 6000 m2 storage capacity in Zwolle and 4000 m2 storage capacity in Trollassen)

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Origin Countries Logo Oprindelseslande
Destination Countries Logo Destinationslande

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