Delivering for shoppers in 2024
A guide to help retailers navigate the challenges, changes and
consumer choices in the year ahead.

As the end of another year approaches, it’s time to look ahead at what 2024 might have in store. While the supply chain challenges of 2022 feel long gone in the memory, this year has been defined by the continued pressure on consumer spending as inflation and the cost of living crisis has continued to bite.
While the signs are tentatively positive about how 2024 might
compare, it is not going to be a year without trial or tribulation. It’s why we’ve released a guide designed to help retailers best navigate the challenges, change and consumer choices they are likely to face in the year ahead.
This guide will help. It explores
- some of the emerging trends in retail
- how these could impact each of the major shopping events of the year
- how getting the delivery management and post-purchase
experience right, will help retailers keep a competitive edge
Enjoy the read!