Terms and conditions

As a customer of nShift, you are bound by our general terms & conditions, published on these pages. You might have different relationships with nShift; you might be a customer of shipping parcels to end consumers, you might be using our solutions to manage both inbound and outbound shipments, you might be a carrier having an integration with our carrier network or you might be an end consumer using our tracking services.


If you are an end consumer using our tracking services, the terms & conditions for My Parcels apply to you. You can find the terms & conditions when you register for the service.


If you are a carrier, we have separate general terms & conditions that apply to you. If you have inquiries, contact us through your contact person in our carrier team.


Shipping customers’ general terms & conditions


The main general terms & conditions have several appendices, which are incorporated by reference. They are found below.


For product-specific service levels and support scope, please refers to the relevant product in the scope of support


The data protection agreement has several appendices, including the supplier list and also the list of technical and organizational security measures (in Schedule 3). For further information on information security, see below.


Privacy policies


We are committed to following and implementing all the guidelines and recommendations from GDPR with regard to all the data and information we handle, process, and store at nShift Group.


You can find the relevant privacy policies below.


Cookies policy


You can read our cookies policy on which cookies we use here.


If you have any inquiries, want to exercise your data protection rights, or otherwise, please contact nShift’s DPO at dpo@nshift.com.


Data security


nShift works with customers and top brands all over the world. Almost 100,000 customers trust our business-critical services and they have high expectations and demands. Cyber security and protection of customer data have never been more important and are of utmost importance to nShift Group.


nShift works together with leading brands and partners to continuously assess and eliminate risk in our business processes, software development, and technical operations. We conduct external penetrations tests on our cloud-based systems.


To prove our commitment to the highest information security standards, we are ISO27001 certified. Our ISO certificate is available upon request.



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General terms & conditions

The main terms & conditions applying to customers of our transport management services

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Scopes of support

The product specific service levels for the service and for customer support

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Data protection agreement

The DPA regulating the data privacy between the customer and nShift

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Supplier list (DPA appendix)

The Supplier List is an appendix to the DPA, showing our current subcontractors used for the services

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Cookies policy

Our cookie policy for our nShift website

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Main privacy policy

The main privacy policy describing our processing of personal data and the data subject’s rights

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Transparency Act

At nShift, we value transparency and accountability in our business practices.

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Privacy policy for Scan App

The privacy policy for the Scan App product

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Privacy Policy for My Parcels

The privacy policy for the My Parcel product, apply to the end consumer

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Previous Terms & Condtions

Previous versions of General Terms & Conditions

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