3 ways social media can improve a delivery experience

3 ways social media can improve a delivery experience

Social media dominates our lives in so many way: it keeps us connected, allows us to share experiences, and understand what’s going on in the world around us. It may not initially seem like it, but social media can also be crucial for retailers—not in the obvious way through marketing, but instead, to optimize delivery. In this blog, we’ll be looking at three different ways which social media can help provide a high quality delivery experience.


1. Reviews

Social media provides a platform for people to speak their minds, and share honest experiences. Reviews are the most obvious way in which customers might spread the word about various brands and products they’ve tried. Through sharing their thoughts on the delivery process, they’re providing public commentary which may encourage other potential buyers to shop with a brand. Building loyalty and positive reviews when it comes to delivery will help retailers reassure potential customers that they are making the right choice when they choose to shop with them.


2. Sharing and communicating

Social media allows brands to build rapport with their customers, through a public platform allowing creativity and clever marketing. Retailers may use techniques such as promoting a free delivery offer they have running, free delivery over a certain spend, or super-fast delivery. This allows for quick, real time engagement, to create hype and encourage spending. Examples of this strategy of engaging with customers through social media delivery offers include many clothes shops who often make shoppers aware of delivery offers they have running, encouraging them to make a quick purchase.


3. Customer service

Social media offers quick engagement, in a way that email and phone complaint procedures often don’t. If there’s a problem with the delivery of goods, consumers can often expect a quick reply from company Twitter or Facebook accounts, which creates a direct connection from the buyer to the store. This way, if a customer’s item arrives damaged for example, then they can receive rapid customer support and refunds through social media. Therefore, the customer is more likely to end up happier, and to buy from a retailer again, if they feel as though their issue has been quickly dealt with and resolved.

To conclude, social media provides the benefits of an easy, fast means to communicating with customers when it comes to the delivery of their items. As a direct point of contact, it’s a great way to reassure consumers when they’re at the most vulnerable place in their purchase process.

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