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St. Olavs Hospital tracks life-saving medicine with nShift


In a hospital, swift delivery of the right medication and equipment could mean the difference between life and death. So at St. Olavs Hospital in Trondheim, Norway, they use nShift to track internal packages, ensuring they get to the right place at the right time, every time.

Solution used

nShift Ship

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The Challenge

All items ordered for St. Olavs Hospital, including medical equipment, pass through the hospital’s logistics center. On any given day the hospital receives between 100 to 150 packages by mail, courier and freight forwarders.

Without the support of advanced technology, this can present a major challenge for the logistics team. Roar Sommer, Head of Logistics at St. Olavs says: “This is a very large hospital, and packages have been lost during transportation several times. In most cases the packages do turn up again, but some of them disappear without a trace.”


The Solution

The logistic center at St. Olavs was already using nShift for package handling. Seeing an opportunity to improve efficiency, Roar Sommer chose to extend its implementation, rolling the platform out as a low-cost internal solution.

Now, when the hospital’s logistics center receives inquiries regarding packages from different wards, they can quickly check whether a package has arrived, been forwarded or is on its way to its destination.


The Results

For Roar Sommer, the introduction of nShift as an internal solution has been a huge success. “Previously, the hospital’s logistics center had to compensate for the value of lost packages, but after introducing [nShift] internally we have not had to compensate for a single package. Packages have gone astray, but we have been able to trace them internally in our system and quickly find them again.”

After introducing [nShift] internally we have not had to compensate for a single package. Packages have gone astray, but we have been able to trace them internally in our system and quickly find them again.

Roar Sommer, Head of Logistics at St. Olavs Hospital