Become a partner

Become a partner.  Create an alliance

Take control of the customer experience from checkout to returns

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We collaborate closely with partners, enabling them to bring an end-to-end delivery management to their solutions.  We work together towards a common goal: the end customer’s experience.

Underpinned by our investment in product innovation, our partners don’t need to invest themselves in delivery management systems.

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Solution partners

We enable Solution Partners to enrich their overall offer to their customers with standardized integrated delivery management.  As a result they can easily offer the world's largest carrier network and future-proofed delivery management as part of their technology offerings. Solution Partners include vendors of ERP, WMS, shopping carts, and payments solutions, as well as systems integrators 

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Strategic alliances

We form deeper joint ventures with Strategic Alliance partners to solve complex delivery challenges and implement complex delivery management solutions. We bring their  customers the benefits of the world’s largest carrier network and future-proofed delivery management. Strategic Alliances include carriers, third-party logistics providers, and ERP / WMS providers 

Benefits of partnering with us

Working with nShift enables our partners to improve the experience for their own customers.

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Incremental revenue

Create new sales opportunities

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Integrated e-commerce

Give shoppers a better customer experience

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Competitive advantage

Benefit from our industry-leading service, and investment in new product development

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Integration support

Strong expert support to build and maintain integrations

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Carrier integrations

Unequalled access to more than 1,000 carriers

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Delivering value

Enable customers to do more, to reach new markets and broaden their base


Successful brands manage deliveries with nShift

ERP integration

nShift brings speed and simplicity to Solar Screen

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