10 Tips on how to succeed with delivery in Scandinavia

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Get delivery right with your Scandinavian customers

This webinar is a must-see for all retailers who are already doing business in Scandinavia or looking to expand their business to this region to get to know your customers and stay on top of consumer demands and market trends.

The nShift Ecommerce Evangelists Mats&Axel will guide you through what Scandinavians prefer in terms of delivery and online shopping, their expectations, market trends and cultural differences for you to succeed with delivery in Scandinavia.

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Benefits of this webinar

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Ecommerce trends and market shifts in Scandinavia during 2021 and 2022

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The cultural differences between Scandinavia and their neighbouring countries on delivery preferences

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What Scandinavians expect from the delivery experience


Axel Lindgren

Strategic E-commerce Expert at nShift

Axel is an ecommerce international speaker and consultant, leading product development and promotion of nShift’s parcel tracking app Mina Paket.

Mats Fischerström and Axel Lindgren work under the name Mats&Axel as e-commerce experts at nShift. 


Mats Fischerström

Strategic E-commerce Expert at nShift

Mats is an e-commerce international speaker and consultant, leading product development for nShift Checkout. 

Mats Fischerström and Axel Lindgren work under the name Mats&Axel as e-commerce experts at nShift.