E-com influencers launch new online hub

E-com influencers launch new online hub

Mats&Axel set to unlock the secrets of success in e-commerce

Two Swedish opinion formers are about to unlock the secrets of e-commerce success through the launch of a new online hub, containing their high-profile video content.

Mats Fischerström and Axel Lindgren both hold senior positions at nShift, the global leader in parcel delivery management. In recent years they have become well known across the sector as “Mats&Axel”, the creators of accessible and informative content about succeeding in e-commerce and logistics. As a result of their rising profile, they have become regular speakers at industry events such as D-Congress 2022 and Retail Tech 2022.

The new hub, hosted by nShift, will feature their popular videos, where they seek to discover the secrets of success in e-commerce and logistics. They will continue to create new videos that uncover the stories of companies that have secured outstanding achievements, encouraging others to be inspired by their success.

In a recent video, Mats&Axel visit the both the warehouse and a physical store of retailer Cervera, to learn about how they succeeded with their omnichannel strategy. Future episodes will see the duo uncover further inspiring stories.


Mats Fischerström said, “Axel and I are both passionate about the future of e-commerce. Our videos are a fun way of bringing our different experiences together and creating an original take on the opportunities and challenges within e-commerce. On a good day I would say that together we are the Lennon&McCartney of e-commerce content. Nothing wrong with aiming high, right?”

Axel Lindgren said, “Mats and I originally started creating videos because we wanted to discover what innovative new ideas and approaches were out there. We thought some might be interested in coming on this journey with us. But we had no idea that our content would prove so popular. As much as I would love to say that it’s all down to us, the real reason behind the success of our content is that people are hungry for new ideas in e-commerce. Our new video series is just one of the ways that they can find them.

The Mats&Axel online hub will launch on June 14. It is hosted by nShift.


For more information on press release, please contact

Robin Grainger: robin.grainger@fourteenforty.uk

James Ellerington: james.ellerington@fourteenforty.uk  

About nShift

nShift’s delivery & experience management platform drives ecommerce success. Grow beyond limits with constant innovation and the world’s largest carrier network. Build customer loyalty with end-to-end tools that enhance experience. Unify data into usable insight that connects and optimizes processes. With nShift, make delivery the essential link between your brand and your customers.