New data: ecom shipments double on Black Friday as retailers struggle with peak-season capacity crunch
nShift data finds ecommerce shipments doubled on Black Friday 2024, while post-Christmas returns...
nShift data finds ecommerce shipments doubled on Black Friday 2024, while post-Christmas returns...
In less than a year, the fastest-growing sportswear brand in Northern Europe has saved €12,000 in...
nShift shows how mastering logistical challenges in the delivery process can open the door to a...
nShift releases five ways that deliveries can solve business problems
Over half of consumers see ‘easy’ returns as very important while 84% believe the returns...
New nShift guide shows why logistics and ecom teams must work together as 73% of shoppers seek a...
New guide shows how shoppers seek retail touchpoints across their physical and digital lives. But...
nShift sets out three strategies to build loyalty with peak-season one-click wonders
Growing ecom companies urged to “go for gold” this peak season by improving their customer and...
Following the introduction of new legislation, nShift is offering a time-limited 25% off promotion...
New nShift guide draws attention to untapped data within delivery and post-purchase processes
nShift urges retailers to ensure proper infrastructure ahead of peak season
Brands require a “paradigm shift” in their attitude to deliveries to secure peak-season success
A study by nShift and DeliveryX has found that retailer reliability and simple returns are two of...
Focusing on delivery & experience management will help ecommerce companies thrive this peak season
As research finds younger shoppers are the most likely age group to abandon online baskets due to a...
New guide shows how bringing delivery management and the post-purchase experience together can fuel...
nShift Go Native enables ecommerce platforms and online B2C marketplaces to easily offer...
A new study by nShift and DeliveryX examines the importance of returns in ecommerce after £4.2bn...
New report predicts by 2028, global parcel delivery volumes will increase by approximately 40%
New nShift report encourages online retailers to transform the delivery experience with...
Updated nShift Checkout solution enables personalized delivery options and increased conversion...
New nShift guide outlines the digital innovations that will help ambitious businesses stand out and...
95% of shoppers have abandoned their cart 63% of shoppers say delivery choice is the most important...
The right delivery options and order tracking matter more to new and returning ecom customers than...
The hidden opportunities in ecommerce deliveries: done well 2/3 of customers will shop again nShift...
Retailers must prepare their infrastructure now, to ensure consumer choice during peak season The...
With deliveries the “new battleground” for retail, new nShift report calls investment in...
The partnership will enable nShift customers to benefit from best-in-class address verification
nShift calls on retailers and warehouses to invest in delivery infrastructure now, while there is...
nShift releases four strategies to increase conversions and revenue in online and multi-channel...
British final mile delivery company enables retailers to reduce carbon footprint and provide...
As research finds cart-abandonment rates reach 70%, nShift has launched a new ROI calculator to...
90% of consumers see quick and timely communication as a critical part of ecom experience - and...
A focus on deliveries early in the year can help retailers drive up peak season performance, says...
nShift releases three tips on implementing emissions-minded expansion.
Data compiled between 25th – 31st December found Wednesday 27th to be the most popular day for...
69% of UK consumers polled opt for free delivery, even if it means a longer wait 58% agree they...
nShift releases new guide on delivering ecommerce success
nShift releases list of five strategies to reduce last-mile emissions
Use back to school sales to test systems ahead of Peak ’23, nShift advises
nShift helps ecom companies demonstrate ethical commitment to customers