Regular shoppers 150% more likely to abandon retailers over poor delivery experience

Regular shoppers 150% more likely to abandon retailers over poor delivery experience

nShift releases top tips on building a great delivery experience

Frequent shoppers are more than twice as likely to abandon an online retailer over a poor delivery experience than their casual counterparts.[1] But according to experts at nShift, the global leader in delivery management software, ecommerce companies can build loyalty with consumers by focusing on how items are shipped and delivered.

Research reveals that some 63% of British shoppers will abandon their shopping basket or switch retailer if delivery options fail to meet their needs. This is true for 53% of French customers and 38% of Germans.[2] A third of shoppers across Nordic countries consider free delivery to be paramount.[3]

Most significantly, frequent shoppers are 2.5 times more likely than occasional buyers to take their business elsewhere after a poor delivery experience.[4]   When the delivery experience falls short, a retailer’s best customers are the most likely to shop around for a better experience.

Sean Sherwin-Smith, Post-Purchase Product Director at nShift said: “How items are shipped to customers is a crucial part of delivering ecommerce success. When online retailers and webshops get this right, they build loyalty with shoppers and grow their revenue. When the delivery experience lets them down, they risk losing big-spending customers to retailers that offer a better experience. Now more than ever, ecom companies must prioritize giving customers the shipping options they desire. It’s crucial that they deliver on their promises and keep shoppers updated throughout the whole process.”

Sean Sherwin-Smith offers his top tips on building the best delivery experience:

  1. Provide and clearly display a range of delivery options at checkout – some shoppers seek swift deliveries. For others price is paramount. Offering a range of options at checkout increases conversions. But it’s essential that these options are clearly and intuitively badged
  2. Ensure transport capacity – during busy periods, it’s crucial that retailers ensure they can keep their promises. This is best achieved through relationships with multiple carrier companies and ensuring that the company’s tech stack can quickly facilitate these relationships
  3. Maximize delivery success – giving shoppers the opportunity to identify and choose alternative Out Of Home (OOH) collection options is a welcome alternative to having to wait at home for a delivery. Parcel shops, parcel lockers and the store itself offer shoppers a more substantial choice
  4. Keep in touch – relevant communication keeps the customer engaged and helps contain any negative feedback. If a retailer distributes communication in their own look and feel, it helps build the brand at a time when shoppers are most engaged. This makes it easier to remarket to shoppers
  5. Make returns easy – countless consumers simply won’t complete their purchase if it’s not clear how they can return a product. Operating a simple digital returns process gives shoppers confidence in the brand. It also makes it easier for the retailer to track patterns and work out why items are being sent back. This can reduce the volume of returns

nShift connects its customers to a ready-made library of over 1000 carriers. Its solutions enable ecommerce companies to create a seamless delivery experience from checkout to returns.






[4] UK shoppers most likely to abandon online purchases due to poor delivery options | Retail Technology Review


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nShift’s delivery & experience management platform drives ecommerce success. Grow beyond limits with constant innovation and the world’s largest carrier network. Build customer loyalty with end-to-end tools that enhance experience. Unify data into usable insight that connects and optimizes processes. With nShift, make delivery the essential link between your brand and your customers.

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