Shoppers set to spend $10.7 billion on Cyber Monday

Shoppers set to spend $10.7 billion on Cyber Monday

Retailers must offer a competitive customer experience to secure their share of sales

Cyber Monday looks set to be one of the biggest shopping days of 2022. But simply offering a range of deals and discounts may not be enough to compete, warns nShift the global leader in parcel delivery management software. Businesses must ensure they offer a competitive customer experience.

Cyber Monday began in 2005 and has quickly established itself as a major online shopping event. In 2021, consumers spent approximately $10.7 billion during the day. Similar sums are expected to change hands during this year’s Cyber Monday, taking place on 28 November. However, as people become more familiar with online shopping, they expect more from the experience.

To help retailers and e-commerce companies prepare for the day, nShift has released “Retail readiness for Cyber Monday: creating the best possible delivery management experience for one of the busiest days of the year and beyond”. The new guide sets out five ways that businesses can ensure they are best placed to take advantage of the occasion:

  1. Build a more supple supply chain – with sufficient transport capacity to cope with increased demand.
  2. Provide a variety of delivery options – to help give shoppers the customer experience they desire.
  3. Cut down on support calls – through better customer communication during the order delivery process.
  4. Make returns easy – to ensure the process is straightforward for consumers and seamless for warehouses.
  5. Keep customers coming back for more – by building loyalty through a better customer experience.

Richard Anderson, Chief Customer Officer for nShift, said: “Cyber Monday presents retailers with an opportunity to engage with new online shoppers. But if those consumers are not impressed by the customer experience, they are unlikely to come back once the deals and discounts are over.

“The way that parcels are delivered is an essential part of the customer experience. To create the best possible end-to-end delivery experience, companies will need delivery management software that can act as a strategic growth enabler. One that helps them to scale up quickly to meet increased demand.”

Read the new guide: “Retail readiness for Cyber Monday: creating the best possible delivery management experience for one of the busiest days of the year and beyond.''

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nShift’s delivery & experience management platform drives ecommerce success. Grow beyond limits with constant innovation and the world’s largest carrier network. Build customer loyalty with end-to-end tools that enhance experience. Unify data into usable insight that connects and optimizes processes. With nShift, make delivery the essential link between your brand and your customers.

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