How can warehouses make returns management easier?

How can warehouses make returns management easier?

Returns are a real headache for warehouses, brands, and retailers. Not only can they become expensive but managing returns is typically a time-consuming process.

nShift Returns now integrates with Ongoing WMS for easier handling of ecommerce returns

At its worst, it involves lengthy discussions with customers, booking relevant carriers, not being clear on what is going to arrive back and when. There is also considerable waste – many returned items are simply thrown out in the trash. When it’s not obvious which original order the sent-back item relates to, the chance to learn anything about the customer and the reason for the return quickly evaporates.

But despite the difficulties, an easy-to-use returns process is essential to getting customers to buy from a vendor in the first place. That’s why returns management that works for the consumer and is easy for the business to manage has never been more important. The right returns process can even help retailers discover how to bring them down in the future. And, even if making returns straightforward means losing the occasional sale, it could also mean winning a customer for life.

Thanks to a new partnership with nShift Returns, Ongoing WMS customers can now operate a digital returns process, gain real visibility on the status of incoming packages, and quickly match the return to the original order.


A simple integration from nShift Returns to Ongoing WMS will mean that Ongoing customers can:

Create a simpler retail returns process

The customer will be able to create a return order in nShift Returns and book a return freight option. This removes the carrier booking responsibility from the warehouse helping to save time. It also gives the customer confidence that the situation is in hand.

Reverse-logistics planning: gain visibility over incoming returns with reverse-logistics tracking

The integration will send reverse-logistics tracking data straight into Ongoing WMS. It will contain all relevant product information. This means the warehouse knows when they will receive which items, helping them prepare as appropriate. This makes it easier to check items back in and get resaleable items back on to shelves so they have a second chance at earning revenue.

Analyze returns and reverse-logistics data, identify trends and patterns

By seamlessly integrating with Ongoing WMS and relevant ecommerce systems, nShift Returns can match up the return to the original order. By linking sent-back items to the original purchase, the warehouse will easily be able to track returns data, identifying relevant trends (such as high returns volumes around a particular item). This might show that a frequently-returned product has an inaccurate description, or poor imagery. Businesses can then make the necessary changes – helping to reduce the risk of future returns.

Returns risk becoming expensive and time consuming, but shoppers demand a clear process for sending items back. With a slick returns processes, businesses can manage reverse logistics with ease and gain real information about the issues causing items to be sent back.

nShift Returns is part of our end-to-end delivery management solution. We integrate with more than 450 e-commerce, ERP, WMS solutions, and Payment Providers. It is quick and easy to connect to our systems. Our Returns solution makes it easier for businesses to build loyalty by making ecommerce returns processing easy. Running a digital returns process, with a compelling consumer interface can help convert 30% of returns to exchanges, helping the brand or retailer retain revenue.

Ongoing WMS customers who would like to add the nShift Returns integration can find practical information on the Ongoing site, here.

Maarten Tops

Maarten Tops

Product Director

Maarten Tops is experienced within delivery & experience management, product development, and digital transformation. With a strong track record in SaaS, Ecommerce and Tech, he is passionate about leveraging technology to drive innovation and efficiency. At nShift, Maarten is the Product Director for nShift Ship, Transsmart and Post Purchase Product Suite.