Black Friday

nShift Track:
early-bird discount

Build a more competitive customer experience

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Secure an early-bird discount on our new solution, build loyalty with consumers and cut support calls by 60%

Some 78% of online shoppers will change brands or retailers if they don’t receive regular updates on the status of their order.[1]

As people grow more comfortable with buying online, they increasingly demand more from the customer experience. And when they don’t get it, they will shop around.

Customer experience is under the spotlight at this time of year with Singles’ Day (11 November), Black Friday (25 November), Cyber Monday (28 November) and Christmas all coming up fast.

Retailers and web shops are constantly thinking about how best to improve the experience for shoppers.

We are committed to helping them deliver a better experience to their customers.

Keeping them informed on the status of a delivery builds loyalty and trust with consumers. It also cuts “where is my order” (WISMO) complaint calls by up to 60%.

nShift high percent growth


Secure an early-adopter discount


Sign up before Cyber Monday (28 November)
for a chance to save money

nShift Track will launch early in 2023, so we are running a promotion to run through to Cyber Monday (28 November).


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nShift Track

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Available from early 2023, nShift Track is a one-stop-shop solution that will empower retailers and e-commerce companies to better communicate with their customers. It will:

Simple and easy for consumers
Enable consumers to track their orders

and receive regular updates immersed in the brand throughout their post-purchase journey

Choose refund or exchange
Create sales growth

in new channels, when the customer is most engaged with the brand and products

Quickly check items back in
Provide regular updates throughout the delivery

life-cycle, from order confirmation to refund

Cut “where is my order” calls by up to 60%

by providing regular and relevant branded updates

Build customer loyalty

through constant relevant branded communication

Sign up here

Discount of up to 50% for new customers

We are offering a selection of discounts for new customers that sign up before 28 November 2022 to start in 2023:

Post-purchase discounts Money off depends on when the implementation is set to start
50% off Start in Q1 (January-March 2023)
40% off Start in Q2 (April-June 2023)
30% off Start in Q3 (July-September 2023)
20% off Start in Q4 (October-December 2023)

Sign up here


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