Helping retailers reduce last mile emissions and fulfil reporting needs with nShift Emissions Tracker

Helping retailers reduce last mile emissions and fulfil reporting needs with nShift Emissions Tracker

As demand for greater sustainability becomes impossible to ignore, retailers must explore ways to reduce their supply chain emissions. 

Customers increasingly prefer to shop from sustainable retailers, and governments are also clamping down on greenhouse gas emissions.

It’s why we are proud to announce the launch of the nShift Emissions Tracker.

Pressure from customers and regulators

How ecommerce logistics becomes more carbon efficient is arguably the most challenging issue facing our sector. It is something that has become more acute as demand for deliveries and online shopping has grown exponentially in recent years.

Indeed, the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) coming into force in mid-202,4 has been specifically designed with this in mind. The new regulation is expected to affect around 50,000 businesses trading in the EU, which will now become subject to mandatory sustainability reporting as a result.

The sentiment from consumers is also clear. They want to shop with brands taking sustainability seriously. 81% of shoppers want to buy from brands that demonstrate sustainability. However, the same research suggests that as many as 40% of consumers are distrustful of brands’ environmental claims.

To comply with regulations and gain the trust of customers, the time to take action is now.

Monitor and reduce emissions from shipping

The nShift Emissions Tracker calculates the CO2 emissions associated with each shipment. In doing so, it makes it possible for ecommerce and multichannel retailers to comply with sustainability disclosure rules, demonstrate environmental credentials to customers, and see where they can reduce emissions from shipping.

It also provides clear, trustworthy data that helps retailers clearly demonstrate their improvement by enabling easy to generate detailed, actionable sustainability reports. As well as simplifying the compliance burden and saving time for CFO’s and other stakeholders doing 2024 annual reporting, retailers can use them to engage customers in their sustainability story and accelerate their progress to net zero.

Benefits for retailers and warehouses

nShift Emissions Tracker has been designed to simplify the process of emissions reporting. All carrier data is collated into one reporting tool and built into an easy-to-use template. Calculations are done at shipment level, giving retailers the ability to drill into shipping data, compile accurate reports, and identify quick wins for emissions reduction.

For retailers already using nShift’s delivery management, Emissions Tracker provides access to emissions data for all historical shipments, so they can make comparisons with previous months and years.

nShift Emissions Tracker brings the following additional benefits:

  • Efficiency - Quickly and easily report on last-mile and transport emissions at the click of a button with no additional analysis needed
  • Reliability - Emissions data the business can depend on. All collected in one place in a standardized format
  • Credibility - Peace of mind knowing the calculations are accurate and free from mistakes of manual error. The solution uses standard tariffs developed by the Network for Transport Measures (NTM)
  • Accuracy - emissions data are calculated based on CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent – a more accurate and comprehensive measure than CO2 alone)
  • Transparency - Increase customer loyalty and brand recognition by becoming trusted and transparent when it comes to emissions

Make sustainability reporting easy

nShift Emissions Tracker conforms to internationally recognized standards, including ISO 14083 and the Global Logistics Emissions Council (GLEC) Framework.

For more information on the nShift Emission Tracker, please visit.


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