Five ways to support sustainable shopping

Five ways to support sustainable shopping

One of the most stand-out stories in recent weeks was the Patagonia founder giving away the company in an effort to combat climate change. It was a move that garnered worldwide coverage and went viral on social media. And while we can attribute part of this to the extreme and unusual nature of the decision, it is also indicative of recent trends. Shopping and sustainability are beginning to blend.

We’ve looked at this in detail in a recent whitepaper, “Retail 2022: When technology & sustainability meet"

Conscious consumers

It was recently reported that four out of five Brits are greener than they were ten years ago, with three out of five believing they have a responsibility to live a sustainable lifestyle and that being environmentally conscious is a ‘badge of honor' (58%). This is according to research by Trainline.

Looking at shopping specifically, a 2021 Deloitte study of 2,000 consumers found 30% of consumers have chosen brands that showcase environmentally-friendly practices or values as part of their attempts to live a more sustainable lifestyle. Some 28% stopped purchasing certain brands or products because of ethical or sustainability-related concerns. Additionally, 68% of consumers have made a conscious effort to be more sustainable.

Sustainable shopping

Sustainability in shopping is gathering momentum. Retailers know that consumers seek environmentally friendly purchases. But their commitment to sustainable shopping goes beyond the product itself. Increasingly, people are looking for more sustainable delivery options and many are prepared to wait longer for their product to arrive, in order to reduce emissions. That being the case, here are five ways retailers can support sustainable shopping
  1.  Pick up points and lockers - pick up points and lockers are a great solution for reducing the environmental impact of deliveries. Drivers will no longer need to carry out a route around all the different addresses, but instead customers will have the option to pick up their parcel on a route they were taking anyway (for example on the way to work, or walking to a local post office)
  2. Carbon friendly vehicles - low emission vehicles are increasingly popular as a means of reducing the carbon footprint of retail companies. Many couriers are using electric vehicles such as motorbikes and vans for transporting their goods, therefore reducing the impact on air pollution.
  3. Use sustainable packaging - sustainable packaging is a simple and effective solution to eco-friendly delivery. Retailers can source recycled cardboard, and recyclable materials to keep their goods protected whilst in transit. Through giving these materials a second life, emissions and landfill waste is reduced.
  4. Ship from Store - With the correct systems in place, this logistics setup is ideal for ensuring retailers gain a single view of their stock and it helps them become more flexible in their fulfillment activities because they can find the optimal route for the desired product to be united with the relevant customer.
  5. Offer customers sustainable delivery options at the checkout - This capability comes from integrating the e-commerce shop with the delivery management system enabling a range of different delivery options to choose from in the online checkout. Furthermore a delivery management system allows you to quickly integrate to new carriers enabling you to choose carriers who are able to deliver your parcels in a more sustainable manner, so you can showcase these sustainable delivery options in the checkout.

Reduce emissions

These are just some of the simple switches which retailers can make to ensure that their delivery methods are sustainable, and environmentally friendly. This way, shoppers are more likely to convert to checkout when they have the option to use a sustainable delivery choice

To truly give their customers a sustainable shopping experience, retailers and web shops need to integrate delivery management software that enables them to take control of deliveries, track emissions and offer sustainable shipping options, which is where we can help. From access to the world’s largest library of carriers to our emissions tariff engine, which can calculate the levels of emissions on shipments in real-time, we’re helping our customers go green and offer the sustainable shopping experience customers are craving.

To find out how we can help you, get in touch.
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