Will people seek eco-friendly shopping in 2025? A quick guide to sustainable delivery

Will people seek eco-friendly shopping in 2025? A quick guide to sustainable delivery


Sustainable delivery strategies for 2025

Consumers are increasingly eco conscious. Our 2025 predictions guide found that “almost two-thirds of consumers report making changes to their lifestyle to reduce impact on the environment.”

And this desire to reduce the carbon footprint extends to looking for lower-emissions delivery options. Our recent LinkedIn poll revealed that 84% of respondents expect to see greater demand for low-emissions deliveries in 2025.

Here are three ways that retailers, brands and warehouses can help shoppers reduce their carbon footprint with continuous emissions monitoring.

Use emissions tracking software for real data on current emissions

Before introducing strategies for more sustainable deliveries, brands and retailers need a sense of the current state of play. Our Emissions Tracker solution enables warehouses to track and record the carbon footprint of each delivery. With real information about current emissions levels, businesses can craft strategies for more sustainable delivery.

Offer low and zero-emissions deliveries to help shoppers reduce their carbon footprints

Some 66% of consumers are prepared to pay more for products from companies that commit to making a positive social and environmental impact. Many will search for sustainable delivery options at checkout. Our network of over 1000 carriers makes it easier for businesses to provide a range of lower-emissions options. Our Checkout feature enables retailers to seamlessly display such options at their webshop.

Provide evidence of real change through continuous emissions tracking

Our emissions-tracking software gives businesses evidence that their carbon footprint reduction strategies are working. By presenting this evidence to shoppers, the brand is showing that it shares its customers’ values. Messages around deliveries and returns are far more likely to be read by people than other communications from brands and retailers. So that makes such communications the perfect place to weave in messages about the journey toward sustainable shopping.

Throughout 2025, shoppers will continue to seek out sustainable shopping experiences. They want to do business with brands and retailers that help the customer reduce their carbon footprint. By using emissions tracking software to measure progress, brands, retailers and warehouses can show customers that they share their environmentally-friendly values.

Read our report for more information on the trends that will shape ecommerce and online retail over the next year: The next “retail revolution” – how ecom and logistics must work together to embrace monumental change in 2025.


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