nShift partners with HelloDone to personalize the post-purchase experience

nShift partners with HelloDone to personalize the post-purchase experience

Creating the best customer experience is vital to building profitability and loyalty. This is the new battlefield for online retailers in the never-ending competition for customers. What happens after they click the buy button, the so-called post-purchase experience is crucial to the overall online buying experience.

That’s why nShift is delighted to announce a partnership with HelloDone.

Reduce inbound queries by 80%

HelloDone is a natural language virtual assistant. It enables automated and personalized dialogue and delivery tracking notifications between the online retailer and customer via WhatsApp, Messenger and Webchat in post-purchase. In doing so, it is able to help retailers reduce customer service costs while providing an improved and personalized customer experience by immediately answering common questions relating to orders.  

'Where is my order' (WISMO) and 'Where is my return' (WISMR) are frustrating queries for customers to have to ask and expensive ones for businesses to deal with - estimates vary from anywhere from £2 to £20 per contact. It’s also a common one. Research shows that WISMO calls can account for over 35% of calls and queries received by an e-commerce company’s customer support team.

HelloDone means these - and many other of common customer queries - can be answered automatically and quickly. Indeed, data from HelloDone suggests it can reduce inbound queries by 80%. This frees up the capacity for customer service agents to deal with more complex calls or to invest more time in those customers who want to remain on traditional channels of communication like the phone or email. 

How it works

  1. Retailers add a WhatsApp or Messenger icon to their websites and emails, enabling customers to choose to use social messaging to track and manage their order

  2. Once selected, customers receive a message from the assistant with a request to input some basic verification details

  3. After verification is completed consumers get their order confirmation digital receipt and the option to set up delivery & returns notifications. On top of this, consumers can interact with the retailer on their preferred channel regarding 120 common questions relating to their order. 

Ed Hodges, CEO, HelloDone said, “What we've developed can help retailers deliver great customer service while spending less, particularly when it comes to dealing with WISMO and WISMR enquiries.”

Personalized recommendations and responses

Once the customer has chosen to use WhatsApp or Messenger the channel becomes a new way for retailers to drive loyalty programs, cross-selling and recommendations - it becomes a personalized home for communications. It creates a place where retailers can go beyond generic customer communications and deliver something that has the potential to add incredible value to both buyer and seller.

Hodges concluded, “Consumers increasingly expect two-way conversations,instant answers to their questions and tracking notifications in the messaging channels they use everyday. They want personal responses without having to navigate to a retailer’s site or update an app to find the information they need.”

The partnership with HelloDone is just one of many things nShift offers to help retailers improve the post-purchase experience. Other services include:

  • nShift Track - which provides real-time updates on the delivery status, ensuring customers are always in the know. Whether it's an SMS notification, email, or mobile app alert, nShift caters to customers' preferred channels, keeping them informed at every step of the way
  • nShift Returns -  enables our customers to deliver seamless ecommerce reverse logistics. This cuts down on the time and money it takes to process returns, typically converts 30% of returns to exchanges, and makes it easier to manage exchanges and refunds

We’ve also recently released a new guide, ‘The five customer complaints that matter most – and how to avoid them’, which is available to download.

For more information on the partnership, you can check out this webinar.

Alternatively, to find out how to add HelloDone to your ecommerce offering, please contact us below.

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