Are delivery alerts a big deal?

Are delivery alerts a big deal?

As customers, we’ve all seen a variety of different delivery alerts when ordering items online, with everything from emails and texts, to calls and GPS tracking. But how exactly do these delivery alerts change the customer experience, and are they worth it? Alongside IMRG and Maru, we conducted research about customer behavior and preferences, in order to find out what it is that really matters when it comes to the delivery experience.

In the first graph, we can see the results of the question, Would you like to receive information about the progress of your delivery? Quite consistently, the answer has always been in the majority, with ‘yes’. In fact, since 2009 over 75% of 1,000 respondents have always said they would like to receive delivery updates—this number only increasing as the years have gone by. It can be assumed that the rising popularity of delivery updates is due to the convenience and control that it offers the customer, as it’s become more widely used. Delivery management software systems no longer stand out by offering simple updates, however it seems more necessary than ever to create a seamless and accessible system for customers.

delivery alerts 1

Would you like to receive information about the progress of your delivery?

(Source: Maru, nShift and IMRG Home Delivery Report)


To further delve into the data, we asked, ‘When receiving pre-delivery alerts, of the following options, which would be the most convenient for you?’. By far the most popular answer, was on the morning of the delivery, in a specified time window. Customers want clear communication, and the ability to plan their day so they don’t miss out on their delivery. Whilst ‘no time specified’ is close to making up the majority of answers, ‘time specified’ has always been the preference.

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When receiving pre-delivery alerts, of the following options, which would be the most convenient for you? Please tick all that apply

(Source: Maru, nShift and IMRG Home Delivery Report) 


Interestingly, between 2009 and 2014, paying a small fee for this service wasn’t very popular, but by 2015, it seemed that customers were keen to get updates, at a cost. The rising demand for delivery updates suggests that people are now more happy to pay for the service, as it’s become a necessity. Without delivery alerts, shoppers can feel on edge about their items arriving.

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Would you pay a small (10p) fee for such a service?

(Source: Maru, nShift and IMRG Home Delivery Report)


We can conclude from our results, that delivery alerts are definitely a big deal, as they’ve only risen in popularity with customers over the last few years. It seems that although it is becoming more expected practice by the customer, a rising number of people are happy to pay for the service (10p). Retailers must not underestimate the significance of delivery updates in providing a quality experience to the customer. At nShift, we are happy to provide solutions that enable retailers and shippers to keep their customers updated on their deliveries through branded track & trace notifications.New call-to-action

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