Delivery choices at checkout can improve retail conversions by 20%

Delivery choices at checkout can improve retail conversions by 20%

Abandonment costing retailers billions

According to recent statistics, the average cart-abandonment rate is around 70%. This means that more than two-thirds of potential sales are left unrealized, costing retailers some €37bn (£32bn) globally. 

It’s a considerable hole in the bottom line and, while there will always be an element of abandonment as consumers change their mind about making a purchase, there are ways in which retailers can reduce its impact. Not least because lack of delivery options is the number one reason for cart abandonment according to this recent survey.

Reap the gains of a better checkout experience

By providing and clearly badging a range of delivery options, ecommerce companies can increase conversions by 20%. This includes offering clear and concise tracking information and making it easy for customers to make returns.

We’ve launched our “Return on Investment calculator” to help retailers work out what their business could gain from an improved checkout experience.

Based on four simple parameters, it can give retailers an idea of the revenue increases from deploying nShift Checkout. It provides estimates on:

  • yearly return on investment
  • net incremental annual revenue
  • increase in average cart value and the additional annual revenue from enabling new value-added services

A checkout experience that gives shoppers the shipping solutions they seek

nShift Checkout fully integrates with web shops to seamlessly display a range of delivery options. By using visual cues to clearly badge different options – such as displaying a green leaf for lower-emissions deliveries – retailers can create a checkout experience that gives shoppers the shipping solutions they seek, in a way that is clear and easy to navigate.

Get in touch to find out more.


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