Retail Week’s “Supply Chain 2025” report, sponsored by nShift, makes the case for powerful delivery-management systems at the heart of the last mile
Retail Week’s Supply Chain 2025 report sponsored by nShift, explores how retailers are using technology including AI and robotics to transform their supply chains and boost competitiveness.
The report explains how retailers need to rethink delivery management to capitalize on these innovations. Business growth and customer retention will increasingly depend on robust, flexible delivery and logistics-management software.
The report explores how:
Innovations are transforming last-mile delivery
From robotic and zero-emissions deliveries, to “blended retail”, companies are investing in new ways to manage the last mile. This shows how important this stage of the delivery journey is to the end customer. And it makes it clear that retailers wishing to take advantage of diverse delivery options, need to invest in multi-carrier capability.
Returns management strategies are crucial
Returns risk eating into profits and creating extra emissions. Investing in the right online technology is essential to tackling returns. The right returns technology should be integrated with a reliable “book and print” or delivery management system to maximize efficiency.
Multi-carrier capability is essential to the delivery process
Rather than relying on one or a handful of carriers, forward-thinking retailers are putting together delivery capabilities that reflect their brand and fit around their customers. This is essential for facing the future of ecommerce delivery. Offering the right delivery options can increase conversion rates by up to 20%.
Reducing last-mile emissions begins with tracking and reporting
Not all emissions are within the retailer’s control. But by measuring carbon emissions, businesses can create meaningful strategies to reduce them and then monitor their progress.
We are the global leaders in delivery management software. Through the world’s largest carrier network, we provide connections to over 1000 carriers enabling retailers to offer real choice.
We enable warehouses to unlock efficiencies in logistics and fulfillment. Our solutions provide a tested and reliable service which is used each year to power one billion shipments around the world.